product arrow Cherro Live Cell

Price Rp 650.000

The Revitalisation Treatment

It is the that after having injected with live cells, the function of the inner body and the appearance of skin would look 10 to 20 years younger. The body would experience changes such as:
  • Remove crow’s feet and wrinkles.
  • Enhanced respiration system of organ cells and upgraded the ability of oxygen reproduction.
  • Increased entity of mitochondrion to process regeneration ability.
  • Increased absorption ability of membrane cells.
  • Improved blood circulation and microcirculation.
  • Reduce obesity particles and cholesterol.
  • Perfectible the formation of endocrinic hormones and to achieve its balances.
  • Ferment which rectifies the order of DNA and strengthens immune system.
  • Increased the speed of metabolism process and its adaptability.
  • Remove pigmentation and speckles.
Targeting & Measuring The Mechanics Of The aging Process
Chérro Live cell Extract is a super bioactivity, which is more than 100 times greater than the ordinary cells .It effectively deactivates all aging cells, enhances metabolism function and stimulates T lymphocyte to enhance the body immunity system and revitalizes the body defense mechanisms. It also helps to prevent all types of body cell aging, skin eruptions and many other metabolic diseases.
Chérro Live cell Extract contains Body Fluid Factor to regulate the imbalance of the internal secretory (secretion) function and to prevent menopause syndrome, unhealthy pigmentation, chloasma, butterfly, speckles outbreaks ;dryness and sagging skin.
DNA that is contained in the Chérro Live Cell Extract is proven to repair human gene and the same time it stops the gene form expanding the genetic code that cause human premature aging, very effective in prolonging youthfulness from the within.
The functions of Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen and Fibre contain to maintain adequate moisture in the skin and to promote skin firmness and elasticity, it also helps to reduce wrinkles, leaving skin radiantly smoother and supple